Plays Well With Others
All Multifamily Leaders and Property Types Welcome
Whether you are an Owner, Operations leader or Marketer with mixed asset classes from conventional luxury to Class B, Student to Senior - we bridge the gaps to keep you covered. BetterBot is engineered to deliver results regardless of Multifamily property type - or customer type!


Property Owners
Boosting NOI across your portfolio of Multifamily properties isn't easy. Streamlining overhead and increasing team efficiency through the BetterBot AI Platform is one of the easiest. You can be up and running in days, not weeks or months. The BetterBot Platform is easy to use and manage.

Operational costs continue to rise, and when paired with lower occupancy rates with today's demanding lessee - it's enough to make the toughest Operators cringe. Thankfully you can leverage the BetterBot AI platform to deliver accurate timely leads and tickets with smaller onsite teams so you can thrive.

Many Marketers are often asked to do more with less. That may seem impossible, but when you can guide quality, high-fit prospects directly into your funnel in your sleep, you're well on your way. Turn your Marketing efforts into plain to see victories of maximum occupancy for the properties you help Market.

Trusted By

Prospect, Resident,
Renew & Repeat
Getting the right residents can be hard and costly. Losing a good resident is worse. Enable your team to proactively drive qualified prospects to tour and sign. Then continue the effort through seamless communications and integrated renewal management that provides end to end value for your teams and residents.

No guesswork, just less complexity and greater ROI
Our data-driven AI platform enables online apartment hunters to discover a PMC’s properties and what they offer. These connections can occur across a variety of digital channels while providing immediate responses to an apartment hunter’s needs. With less complexity you can attract, prioritize and act on strong leads while lowering eviction rates and boosting operational efficiency, occupancy rates and marketing ROI. Want to learn more about how we can help raise occupancy rates and increase operational efficiency?