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No Time to Qualify Your Prospects? Tangible Tools to Help
No Time to Qualify Your Prospects? Tangible Tools to Help

In the multifamily housing industry, time is of the essence. Property managers and leasing agents often find themselves inundated with tasks, leaving little room for the crucial process of qualifying prospects. However, with the right tools and automation, you can streamline pre-qualification and attract the best tenants for your properties. Here, we explore several techniques that can revolutionize your approach…

Will Technology Replace People in Multifamily?
Will Technology Replace People in Multifamily?

Welcome to a pivotal moment in the evolution of multifamily living. The question on many minds today is: will technology replace humans? It’s a valid concern in an era where automation is rising. Let’s delve deeper into this notion and uncover the truth, shedding light on how innovation isn’t about replacing humans but rather empowering them. Dispelling Misconceptions The fear…

Five Key Metrics for Effective Multifamily Property Management
Five Key Metrics for Effective Multifamily Property Management

Living in the post-pandemic era, while normalcy has largely been restored, it remains undeniable that the substantial reliance on technology witnessed during the pandemic persists. The multifamily sector has adeptly seized a period of adversity, leveraging it as a catalyst for embracing new methods that have transformed the industry like never before. This transition has granted property management teams access…

A Comprehensive Look at Automation’s Role in Multifamily Operational Efficiency
A Comprehensive Look at Automation’s Role in Multifamily Operational Efficiency

In the fast-paced world of multifamily property management, operational efficiency is not just a goal; it’s a necessity for success. With the advent of automation, property managers have a powerful tool at their disposal to streamline operations, enhance tenant experiences, and drive overall performance. Let’s delve deeper into the multifaceted role that automation plays in optimizing various aspects of multifamily…

Lead Nurturing Strategies for Multifamily Properties: Revolutionizing Rental Engagement

Effective lead nurturing is the cornerstone of success in the dynamic world of multifamily property management. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the landscape of lead nurturing has undergone a profound transformation, offering unprecedented opportunities for engagement and conversion. This comprehensive guide explores the vital role of AI-driven strategies in revolutionizing lead nurturing for multifamily properties, providing invaluable insights…

Industry News & Views

Next-Generation Marketing Strategies For CMOs
Next-Generation Marketing Strategies For CMOs

Dear CMOs, as stewards of multifamily operations, your mandate encompasses driving growth, fostering brand loyalty, and enriching resident experiences. In a landscape of rapid technological advancement, your role becomes increasingly pivotal in navigating the convergence of staffing optimization and automation tools. Let’s explore innovative strategies tailored to your discerning vision to maximize ROI in both areas. Data-Driven Insights: Illuminating Pathways…

What you may not have known about BetterBot’s API Integrations

Data reporting is pivotal in the multifamily industry, contributing to informed decision-making, strategic planning, and operational efficiency. In this dynamic sector, where managing numerous residential properties is commonplace, the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data is crucial. When it comes to data, having a direct API (Application Programming Interface)  can work wonders for the accuracy of your reporting. Having…

6 Misconceptions about AI in Multifamily

With so many services now classifying themselves as AI, it’s hard to tell whether or not they’re actually based in tech or just using a catchy buzzword to distract us from the wizards behind the curtain. In 2018, we launched, and began marketing our product with the term “AI” thrown into any material we created. As we continued to…

Benefits of working ChatGPT into your Automation Strategy

In the fast-paced world of multifamily housing, staying ahead requires innovation and a strategic approach to technology integration. As we navigate through an era of automation, property managers increasingly turn to advanced solutions to streamline operations and enhance the overall resident experience. That’s where ChatGPT comes in: it is a champion of quick issue resolution, enhancing customer support, availability 24/7,…

Tailoring Your Automation Solution to Your Unique Property Type

Under the multifamily umbrella, there are various property types – and no two properties are the same. And while innovations in prop-tech have made it much easier for property management teams to do everything from schedule tours to convert leads into new renters, no technology is a one-size-fits-all solution. Especially in the case of multifamily automation, we’ve found that the…

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